Sunday, January 26, 2020

Smaller glasses...

It has been 47 years since the foundation of my life was rocked by the death of my father on January 26, 1973.  It was sudden, unexpected, and we were totally unprepared for all the ways our carefully planned life would change.  (I give my mother total credit for holding it all together, because it was HARD, and surely wasn't in her life plan, and I don't think I was very helpful.)

In those 47 years, I have grown up, I have graduated three times (only to not use any of the education I received for anything I now do!) I have gotten married twice, I have two children, I have two grandchildren, I have moved more times than I care to remember, I have made friendships that have endured all of life's traumas, and I have built a life that could have used a father's input, but which has had the benefit of a strong and independent mother.  You have been sorely missed, but it has been good anyway.  Perspective is everything, and my glass is three quarters full.