Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Great Divide...

I realized something a few days ago that I wish I had cottoned onto many years ago, when I still had people around as resources.  I am a slow learner, and now, I fear, it is too late.  So I am sharing my failure, hoping that someone else can learn from it, so you won't have to regret it later!

I never got to know any of my grandparents.  I have heard stories from various people, but didn't know any of them personally, because they all crossed The Great Divide either before I was born, or when I was a little tot.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Pride, meet the driveway...

I was reminded of that old saying, "Pride goeth before a fall" this evening.  There I was, marching down the driveway with my trash bin, smug in my happiness that this winter has been, relatively speaking, a pretty easy one, and that this week my driveway, unlike last week, is completely clear of ice.  Instead of fearfully shuffling my way to the end of my rather steep driveway, as per my usual winter method, I was just hurrying to get the job done and get back inside.  For the first time in forever, I have not fallen this winter, and I was feeling pretty good about myself, thinking that maybe this would be my year.  Really, I should know better.  Sure enough, next thing I knew, my feet slid out from under me, and down I went.