Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Father's Day....

On this day each year, I think of my father.  He was a wonderful father, and although we had too few years, he packed a lot of living into the time we had together.  My memories of him are both big and small, but it is small things I am remembering today, the 43rd anniversary of the day he died.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

A million tiny pieces....

Have you ever opened a jigsaw puzzle and dumped the pieces out onto the table in a heap?  There is no pattern, no rhyme or reason to them.  You can't make out what anything is, much less the bigger picture, because there is just too much confusion.  Pieces are every which way - upside down, right side up, falling on the floor, scattered in a wide circle.  You have to bring out a light, start looking for the framework, sort things into piles, and bring some order to the disorder before you can really do the work of putting the puzzle back together.