Friday, April 12, 2019

Calphalon shows the way...

Very rarely will I say anything about a brand online, for better or for worse, because that is not my deal.  (And to be clear, this is not a paid ad, because that is not my thing, either.)  I am making an exception today, because I think Calphalon deserves some extra credit and recognition for treating their customer well.  If anyone is thinking about buying new pots and pans for themselves or someone else, especially in this coming "wedding" season, you should seriously consider buying Calphalon.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Influencer.... When did this become a thing?

It has really come home to me in the last couple of weeks that I am not a part of the young and hip generation, no matter how young I feel inside my head and heart.  (Do they still say hip, or is that another way I have identified I am [late] middle aged?  And I am asking myself, was I ever hip to begin with?  Young?  Definitely.  But hip?  Hm.  Probably not.)

I have been seeing a lot in the news about a young woman who is reportedly no longer speaking to her parents because she blames them for ending her "career" as a Social Media Influencer.  [Never mind her own role in this whole debacle, which I won't even get into.  Personal responsibility doesn't seem to be A Thing with this group.]  Apparently this girl (and many others just like her) has made a small fortune being flown around the world by various companies she "represented" for the sake of flashing her photo having a good time on their dime, and people actually paid attention.  I can't believe any major company handed out these types of freebies for no reason, so obviously, it must bring them business.