Monday, January 16, 2017

All things considered...

Just something to consider. If your news source just keeps validating everything you already thought, if it is telling you exactly what you want to hear all the time, if it isn't regularly challenging you to think in different ways or to question your own conclusions, maybe your source is flawed. Because where else in your life is everything exactly the way you think it is, all the time?

Finally, if people you generally respect or admire have come to different conclusions about something, especially if it is political, it may be less reasonable to assume they have suddenly lost their minds than to realize that perhaps there are other ways to look at the problem. Every issue has a multitude of facets. Just because you focus on one facet doesn't mean it's the only one that matters. It may be simply the only one that affects you.

Think about it. Please. We are entering extremely rough waters. Personally, I don't want to drown.

Just my thoughts as I read through my facebook feed today.