When I think back to birthdays as a child, it is interesting what I do, and don't, remember. I would have been shocked to find out that the things I was so worried about for each party would be so insignificant once a few years had passed.
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1970, when I turned 10. |
I remember who came to each party, my memory jogged by the black and white photos my mother snapped with her little Brownie camera. When we were really young, we wore party dresses and shiny black patent leather shoes, because birthday parties were fancy affairs demanding respectful appearance and presentation. Our mothers would caution us to behave like little ladies, and we would try hard to comport ourselves as our mothers would wish. Those were the days when anyone's mother was allowed to reprimand a child, and heaven help you if it was needed, because your own mother would do it again, just for good measure, when you got home. Not surprisingly, I do not recall out of control children at any party I ever attended. Embarrassing the entire family was frowned upon in our little community of Scandinavian offshoots, where generations resided side by side, and you knew everyone else's grandparents.
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A birthday no-slumber party |
All of those memories are fun to think of, and I don't regret a moment of the time spent. But none of that is what I think of first, when I remember those special days of long ago. Instead, I remember a couple of things with which my parents, who were short on money, but long on creative spirit, gifted me.
The first such gift occurred on my seventh birthday. I awoke in the morning to my mother and father coming into my room, waking me up for school, and wishing me a happy birthday. My parents took me by the hand and said they had a surprise for me. I don't know what I was hoping for, but I'm sure it was something simple, like a doll or perhaps an artsy kit of some kind. I was very surprised when they led me a few steps to the bedroom next to mine, which always had the door closed, and to which I paid no attention.
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With my mom in 1962 |
The vanity was old, and made out of orange crates, if I remember rightly. We still have it in the attic at my mother's house, blue fabric now gone, still full of my junk that I can't quite bear to part with, but don't really want, either. It gives me a rush of pleasure every time I see it, because of the memory of that special day. The little stool was a small wooden barrel surrounded with a skirt of blue fabric, and topped by a little round pillow, hand made by my mother.
Perhaps the most exciting thing about that room, however, was the door that led directly outside to a small porch where I could sit in the sun and have some privacy while I played or read. It was my own personal balcony looking out over the world, and I felt like a queen surveying my kingdom every time I stood at the railing and glanced around the yard below.
That room became my haven from a world that turned hard rather early, and I still find a peace within those walls that I cannot reach anywhere else. The gift my parents gave me that day was not just a material gift, but rather, the gift of their time and attention. To have spent so much time to give me a space that was just right for me made me feel special and valued in a way that a usual gift never could.
It would be hard to top that incredible birthday gift, but my creative and energetic mother didn't stop there. A couple of years later, I was again led by the hand to another gift, this time outside.
My parents blindfolded me to build up the suspense, and led me carefully across the yard. I didn't know where we were going until suddenly we stopped, and they removed the blindfold. In front of me was a building, the former brooder house, I had somehow not really noticed there before, despite it's having been moved from another area of the yard. [If there is ever a crime happening in my vicinity, I will not make a good eye witness. Apparently, I notice nothing.] My gift was a playhouse that was a real little house, probably 12X10, complete with stove [not working, they were creative, not stupid,] cupboards, vinyl flooring, windows with curtains, and furniture.
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Petite |
I had a large map of the world hanging on the wall, which fueled my dreams of seeing the world. It gives me a feeling of nostalgia to see that my daughter now has a similar map hanging on her wall, and my dreams of seeing the world are carrying on through her.
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With my Dad in 1963 |
Wisdom is the gift you give yourself as you mature. I have been blessed 51 times over, and the wisdom I have gained is one of the most important gifts life has given me.
We are rapidly coming up on the Christmas season, and soon we will be inundated with the wants and requests of loved ones and strangers alike. With the advantage of hindsight, I can assure you that the best gift you can give your family is the gift of your time and attention. It is the one gift they will never forget, and the most important one you can receive. Although the trappings are nice to have, the love is what you need to have, and what you will remember the most.
Of all the birthday blessings I have ever received, it is the loving creativity of my mother and father that stand out for me. All material things pass away, but love is forever.