I just want to go on the record right now as having said, "I told you so." When winter finally arrives, and it will, one way or another, we are going to regret this little weather holiday from reality, guaranteed. Of course, in the meantime, I, for one, am seriously enjoying it. I'm not stupid. I take the good with the bad every time.
I have been waiting for global warming to come to flyover land for quite awhile now, and it seems my wish may finally have come true. (If I'd known wishes were being granted, I would have asked for something more practical, like a Swiss bank account, but oh well.)
If I were an optimist, I would be suggesting that this is simply the quid pro quo for the horrendous winter, not to mention the spring follow up, that we endured last year. But of course, we all know I am a hard core realist, and I try not to engage in delusional thinking. (At least not more than is absolutely necessary.)
In my personal experience, life simply does not work that way. You do not get something good in return for enduring something bad. You just get more of the same. On the other hand, you do get bad for enjoying good. It's the way of the world. Call me Simba, but I would say it's part of that circle of life. Which gives me a headache, if you want to know the truth.
To cut to the chase, we are currently enjoying unprecedented winter conditions. I have never seen anything like it in my 51 years of existing on this planet. I have lived further south and had a worse time of it than we are currently experiencing in winter 2012 here in the country's midsection (as the national media so quaintly likes to refer to this area. Does this mean when we have a blizzard the country has a stomach ache? I'm curious which part of the body Washington D.C. is, because it gives me a pain somewhere the sun don't shine all the time.) I am beginning to wonder if Harold Camping was off in his prediction by a year, because I wouldn't have thought there was a snowball's chance in hell of ever enjoying this kind of January weather in Kansas, but here we are. It's eerie.
Each day I have watched people emerge from their cozy winter cocoon, trying to make sense of spring weather in January. Bewilderment reigns on every face, as people grapple with the heat wave smacking them around as they emerge from their doorway. There is a sense of unreality, watching children run outside without jackets, their mothers hot on their trail, coat in hand, only to realize that it isn't needed for yet another day.
What is happening to us? Everything is backward and upside down. I'm even more confused than usual.
There is a rumor that life in warmer climates is slower, lazier, more carefree. I like that illusion, and I'm going with it. I would love to slow things down, climb off the whirly-gig I'm on, and take it easy for awhile. I'd like to smell the flowers (which ironically are still out there,) and have a nice walk in the rain free sunshine. For the time being, I'm going tropical, and enjoying the warm weather while I have it.
But the drought is already upon us, and I fear that without the winter snows, Mother Earth will extract a high price for this current frolic in the heat (!!!) of winter. When the price of bread is higher than the cost of diamonds, we will know the true price of this winter folly.
Until then, take a walk. Enjoy the day. Embrace the warmth. Happy Sunday!