Well, here's the thing. I have been packing for months. I have had the world's most aggressive garage sale. I have done everything I could to reduce the accumulation of 17 years of worth of belongings to a manageable amount.
there is no appreciable difference in the amount of stuff I have packed away into the deep recesses of this house. It's just unbelievable. I am, in a word, gobsmacked by the whole situation.
Where, I ask you, does it all come from? Is it possible that my assorted papers and books are mating at night, only to give birth to additional stuff I don't really need or want by morning? I cannot come up with any other explanation for what apparently defies all logic and the laws of physics - every day the packing pile seems to get bigger. I am losing ground even as I stack up the boxes. Incredible.
I am astounded to announce that I have enough stuff for another garage sale. HOW can that possibly be? I had a huge, and very motivated, garage sale two months ago - practically shoved stuff into people's hands, pockets and purses, wouldn't let them off the property without at least a small purchase (or a donated gift - hey, I was desperate.)
But now, when the house should be laid bare, all the stuff neatly packed and the entire place tidy and organized, I am aghast at the amount that remains to be dealt with. I want to stick my head in a bag and ignore it all. But I fear that the buyer of my home will walk in and find me there, and then the sparks will fly. It would be pretty embarrassing to get evicted from your own home after someone paid good money for it.
This is beyond ridiculous, the sheer amount of personal belongings I have accumulated. I have clothing to last a lifetime (not in style, but then again, when have I ever been in style, anyway?) I have shoes galore. I have tools enough to outfit any professional (and I love each and every one with a passion, so don't even think about suggesting I get rid of any of them.) I have music, books, cooking gear, office supplies - you name it, I've probably STILL got it. Insanity squared. Or cubed.
Two weeks from today, I will be officially homeless, between houses, and hopefully with a truck full of boxes that I don't have to deal with for awhile. I have a lot to do between now and then. I will update next from my new abode if I survive the avalanche of objects that grows higher every day! Where are those stupid ruby slippers now?
Anyway, tata from Kansas City. The northland awaits. I hope I will be ready!