"Living the dream."It is an off the cuff statement, meant to be more sarcastic than serious, and in line with my usual attitude that life is hard, and then you die. But today, for this day, I have been reminded that I am, indeed, living the dream, and I am grateful to be here for it.
The morning started off as it usually does, with grabbing a T-shirt off the pile that needs to be folded and pulling it on without a thought. I usually look like I got dressed in the dark, (no one who sees me daily would be surprised to hear that I do, indeed, usually do just that.) T-shirt and jeans is my usual work wear, so I got dressed and off I went.
But in mid-morning I got a phone call, and I realized which shirt I had on, and how timely it is for me today. It is my Relay For Life victory tee, the one that reminds me, each time I wear it, that "Happy Birthday is a victory song." Those are not just words to me. They are a celebration that I am still here to enjoy my 57th birthday coming up in a few days, and I am so grateful.
I have had some close shaves with my health - melanoma in my early 30's, peritonitis and a colon resection at 40, and invasive squamous cell carcinoma in my 50's. All were serious, and could have had a much different outcome. I am alive because of the quality of medical care today, and the power of prayer.
This morning, I got the news that the spot removed a few days ago was basal cell cancer. Although I wasn't really worried, it was still a relief to learn it was nothing, because once you have had something, there is a little seed of fear each time you have a spot removed. As the relief passed through me, I realized I was wearing my victory tee, and it made me smile, because I have cheated fate once again.
As I approach my birthday each year, I think about everything that I might have lost, if not for the happenstance of finding that mole in the earliest stages, before it had a chance to really take hold of my life. I am a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt and a friend. I would have missed out on so much in these 20 years if things had gone differently. I have traveled the world, seen three continents, met people I would never have known, and especially enjoyed being a grandmother. How grateful I am to be able to say I am almost 57, when I was lucky to even see 37. Each year matters to me, and to those who love and need me, and I am thankful I have been here another year to be a part of life on this planet.
So today, I am living the dream for real. I am singing my little victory song once again. And I am celebrating the life I have been given, and which I continue to enjoy. The world needs more birthdays, and I am grateful for each one.