Friday, June 5, 2015

Ten things I have learned....

In 54 years of living life, I have learned a lot.  Most of it is useless trivia, but some of it is valuable life wisdom.  I share it here to get you started thinking on your own list.  (I think everyone should have a list by my age.  Wisdom is one of the compensations for growing older.)

  1. Degrees of responsibility will not matter when you are dead.  Sometimes it's better to just take the burden so you can all move forward.
  2. Whether or not you were a person to choose the high road is something that people will remember about you when you aren't here to defend yourself.
  3. Family members may always be related to you, but they don't always have to love you.  That takes time, effort and attention.  Think about it.
  4. When you get really old, your younger relatives are the ones who will visit you.  Invest some time in them.  It will bear fruit.
  5. Quality of life is a fluid term.
  6. A 90 year old Alzheimer's victim will still be able to sing all their childhood hymns, and it brings comfort.  Have you passed on to your children something that will bring that kind of deep down comfort and peace to them in their old age?
  7. Friends are not disposable.  If your oldest friend is newer than the dust bunnies under your sofa, maybe you should take a closer look at yourself.  You might be the weak link.
  8. Pets know.
  9. Clean sheets and fluffy pillows are one of life's genuine pleasures, topped off by morning coffee.
  10. If you would be embarrassed to have your mother or children know something, you should rethink your plan.  That nagging voice in your head is your conscience, and you should listen to it.
Have a great weekend!