- Having a basis in or conforming to fact or reason;
- Faithful to an original;
- Acting or being in conformity with what is morally upright or good;
- Being what is merited;
- Legally correct.
I have been thinking about this word for the last few days, and how we have distorted the meaning in colloquial English to indicate almost the opposite. "I am just an at home wife and mother." "I am just an office manager." "It is just a dog." "He is just a child." "They are just a fill in the blank." Dismissive. Oppressive. Demeaning. Hardly fits the original meaning of the word.
We live in an increasingly narcissistic world. We look down on those who don't measure up to our own standard of success, who fail, in some way, to live up to some vague expectation, reasonable or not. Our job has to be better. Our kid has to be smarter. Our house has to be more expensive, we must have a nicer lawn, we want a better vacation. The list is endless. It is all played out through whichever social media forum you choose to funnel this version of you, but the message is the same wherever it is sent - I am important. It all feels a bit frantic and artificial, I think.
Why have we photoshopped our faces, and our lives, to the extent that we don't even recognize ourselves any longer? What is the point of social media at all, if not to share our real selves with those we care about, and more importantly, who care about us? Why do we feel driven to present this glossy image of perfection, when we all know real life is messy and filled with flaws?
A careless word can do a lot of damage. It is easy to be misunderstood on social media. Words are very powerful, and in the wrong hands, they can cause wounds that will never heal.
But a well placed word can uplift, inspire, and encourage. A quiet verbal hug from a friend can brighten even the darkest moment, and words of support can keep you moving forward when you would really rather backtrack, even though you know its bad for you.
I have decided its time to do justice to the word just. I am going to affirm instead of tear down. I want to uplift rather than cut away.
I am a wife. I am a mother and a grandmother. I am an office manager. I am a friend. I am a musician and a writer. I am going to be the person my children and spouse and mother and dogs think I am.
I am just exactly who I am. I am just me. Reasonable. Faithful. Original. Morally upright and good. Having merit. Doing my best to do the right thing at all times. Just.