My weekends are usually a whirlwind of activities, rushing to and fro to accomplish everything I didn't get done while I was at work all week. To be sure, I have things to do today, things that can't wait, because tomorrow will be too late. But there is nothing that has to be done at a certain time, or in a certain way, or to any certain specification other than my own. I can check things off my list when I want, as I want, however I want, and it will all be good. Bliss.
I look back wistfully to my childhood, and remember long weeks in the summer when we never left the farm. I rode my horse bareback to the far corner of the pasture, then laid down on his back and read a book for hours. I climbed to my treehouse high in an old pine with snacks and drinks and a notebook and wrote out my thoughts while the tree leaves rustled and the cool breeze ruffled my hair. I ran around with my dogs, played with the kids on the neighboring farms, and spent time rummaging through the barn and machine shed and grainery to see what treasures I could find. I was never bored. I always had something I could do. It was the option of not doing anything at all that makes it so special in my memory. It was a privileged time for me, at least in my mind.
Stress is one of the major factors in many killer diseases, and it is no surprise to me. Sometimes I feel like a hamster on a wheel, running as fast as I can but never getting ahead. I am pretty sure I am not the only one who is exhausted by the pace of modern life.
Childhood is fleeting, but the memories of those long and happy days remains as clear in my mind as if they happened yesterday. I think in our busy world we don't have enough lazy days. Enjoy your Saturday, and I hope you can catch some lazy moments for yourself today. Relaxation and laughter are the best medicine. Partake of both in full measure!