Sunday, November 29, 2020

Giving Thanks...

This Thanksgiving weekend has been like no other holiday weekend I've ever had.  Because of covid, and more specifically, a covid exposure, I spent the weekend in "covid jail" by myself in my house - four days to think and decorate and cook and think and read and think and... think some more.

Now, those who know me well know how important my "me" time is to me.  I need that alone time to recharge and renew and refresh myself.  I am always thinking to myself, I WISH I had a few days to just be, and not have to do.  At long last, in my busy life, I have had it.  And honestly?  It was everything I hoped for.  It isn't how I want to spend every holiday, but for this one time in my life?  I can honestly say it was good.

It is easy to get tied up in what we are missing out on.  I missed my husband, my kids, my grandchildren, my mom and other extended family we often see at this time of year.  I missed our usual shopping trip to the mall, and the rides and the outdoor fun and the walks and everything that goes with having children around.  I missed making the turkey and all the fixings we are used to.  Thanksgiving is actually my favorite holiday, so I missed what we usually have and look forward to doing it all again next year that much more.

But joy is a choice.  We cannot control circumstances, but we do have the power to see the good in all things.  And this year, I am seeing the good in some much needed rest and time away from the usual hustle of life.

Instead of a big turkey, I made chicken thighs in the crock pot.  I skipped the stuffing, which I don't like anyway, but made room for mashed potatoes and green bean hot dish, of course!  No pie, because my mom is the pie maker and I cannot compete, but I didn't need any pie, anyway.  I had a video chat with my grandsons to start my day.  I took a walk with my dog, I called my husband, I called my mom, and I read a book.  I had a nap, and I got my Christmas tree out and the lights on.

I enjoyed the peace of the quiet house and the cozy fireplace warming me.  I didn't work, even though I was tempted, because it is a holiday, and that gives me an excuse to let go of my responsibilities for 24 hours.  I made intentional time for things I don't normally take time for, and it was good.

And I have enjoyed another three days to do more of the same.  I have decorated a little bit at a time, so the house now looks as festive as it is going to get.  I vacuumed.  I cooked and baked.  I ate leftovers.  I read books.  I took naps.  I walked the dog.  I enjoyed the Christmas tree.  I called my aunt on her birthday.  I ignored the news and embraced the time off from life.

It would have been easy to feel sorry for myself this Thanksgiving.  But I chose to embrace the opportunity of aloneness, and it was time well spent.

Wishing each person reading this a joy filled holiday season, no matter what you will do or how you will spend the time.  Whether you are together or alone, at home or visiting someone, I wish you safety, comfort and peace in the time you have.  This is a year like no other, but we can make that time count for something good if we choose to.

Giving thanks for all I have, and living my best life as best I can every day.  Choosing joy!