Hundreds of millions of people are staying home, and social distancing is now A Thing. People are calling friends to check on them, buying groceries for their older relatives and neighbors so they don't have to go out, sharing their resources, putting classes online to help parents deal with children out of school unexpectedly, and creating funny memes to keep the spirits up. In a matter of a week, entire companies have gone to working remotely, churches are suddenly broadcasting their good news over YouTube and other social media, interviews are being conducted over Zoom, and at last, people are washing their hands. Pollution is way down - there are places in the world where the water is clear for the first time in generations, and the birds and stars can be seen by children for the first time. Scientists are racing the clock trying to find treatments and vaccines to stop the clock on this virus, and medical personnel all over the world have put their lives on the line to save others.
People are enduring all sorts of hardship and inconvenience, not just to save themselves, but rather, mostly to save others. We have embraced our need to be responsible to others and we are enduring privation to do so, with a willing spirit (in most cases!) And these are not small sacrifices, either. People are enduring job loss, economic uncertainty unlike anything we have ever seen, social privation, shortages of necessities, and other really significant life impacts to stay home and slow the spread, even though experts think around 80% of the people who get this virus will recover, some more easily than others, of course. We should be uplifting what is really at stake here, and acknowledging the gift we are giving each other.
This, to me, is truly a miracle. I am a cynic, it is true, but I never imagined people willingly sacrificing for others the way I have seen in the last few days.
I am not downplaying the frightening situation in which we find ourselves. It is horrifying to watch the death toll mount as people all over the world deal with COVID-19 and the economic impact is something we haven't even really started to deal with. It is a catastrophe of truly epic proportions, and we will be coming to terms with the impacts for years to come, unless I miss my guess.
But, for the only time in my entire lifetime, the entire world seems to be pulling in the same direction. (9/11 was close, but it only lasted a few days and then not everyone in the world was on the same page.) Neighbors are helping neighbors, strangers are helping strangers, and I hope when this is all over, and it will be at some point, although it will be awhile, I hope we don't forget the good things we have seen happen in these dark days.
We see what we want to see. I am seeing the best of humanity in the worst of times. It gives me hope in the midst of despair.
Stay safe and hang in there. We will endure.
Matthew 5:16
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.Be that light.