Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey of a day...

Today started as too many Thanksgiving Days do in my house.  The turkey was still frozen, I was tired and didn't want to get out of bed, I am behind on everything, and my dining room table is covered in brochures for work.

Since that early morning hour, I have managed to speed thaw the turkey, cook the giblets, make the stuffing, stuff the bird, get the turkey in the oven, scrub the potatoes, prepare the carrots, get the green bean hot dish ready to pop into the oven, and I even got in a shower.  I fed the rabbit, two dogs, fish and bird, and I have had  a couple cups of coffee.  I am now contemplating my usual Thanksgiving day activity, finishing up the Christmas cards.  Of course, I'm a little behind this year.  I think I have them.  Somewhere.