Sunday, May 12, 2013

Here comes the BRIDE!

Twenty one years ago, I learned that a child was on the way.  I literally could not have been more surprised. It has been an adventure, being a mother to this child of mine.  She is an unexpected blessing, a constant reminder that I am not alone in this world.  From the very first, she has been impossible to ignore, and even now, all these years later, she is never more than a text away.  She is rarely far from my thoughts, as she has wormed her way into my head and heart in a way that no one else could.  She is my child, to be sure, but she is also my friend, my partner, my team mate in life.  We have been through a lot together, she and I, and we are bound in our experience forever.  If I had to have a partner in that life, I am glad it was she.