Saturday, August 13, 2016

To write or not to write.... It really isn't a question.

I rarely get into this genre of writing, but this morning I stumbled into a blog post by a so called "mommy blogger" who was expounding on the virtues of her recent epiphany of not blogging about her children.  Like most new converts, she was full of enthusiasm for her viewpoint, and somewhat sanctimonious about her freshly developed convictions on the subject.

What she apparently failed to appreciate in the whole piece was that she was still blogging about her children.  In fact, she went even further by reminding her readers that she had previously blogged about something so personal for her son that her own father had to tell her to knock it off.  By talking about how she was not going to make personal revelations such as these any longer, she was, in fact, talking about them, and reminding us all that she had talked about them previously.  Frankly, the whole piece fell flat, since the entire blog was, in fact, about her children's personal lives.