Saturday, April 18, 2015

I'd rather be Sleepy than Snow White....

I did something some years back that I haven't done since kindergarten. I fell asleep at my desk. During my work day. Without meaning to. [Blush.]

Most people would be afraid to admit something like that publicly, where millions [okay, tens] of readers could taunt them for their slacker behavior forever more. I, however, am a proud blogger, where nothing is sacred. If I can't make fun of myself, well, I would have to make fun of the rest of the world, but then I would be looking a lawsuit straight in the wazoo, and I am no longer fond of lawyers of any ilk.

Ilk. Don't you love that word? Sounds so smooth. So sophisticated. Cary Grant positively oozed ilk.  I do not have ilk.  I'm more like Jeff Foxworthy in panties, but that's getting sort of personal, so we won't go down that path any further.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Be careful little eyes what you see.....

I read something online recently about a person well known in their own community, whom I happen know personally.  (To give full disclosure, this person is not a relative or close friend, is not famous in the usual sense of the word, and is not someone with whom I am in regular contact at the present time.)

The person I have known is deeply flawed, and has made, and from what I have heard, continues to make, poor personal decisions which impact upon other people in harmful ways.  But what I read online did not reveal any of that.  Instead, I read a glowing self-description, with distorted facts, misinformation, and some outright redistribution of the truth.